Morgan Lee ︎

I am a designer with a focus on illustration, storytelling, and branding — inspired by the paradox of past and future in the present. (Expand)

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Morgan Lee ︎

I am a designer with a focus on illustration, storytelling, and branding — inspired by the paradox of past and future in the present. (Expand)

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in/sight ︎

in/sight is an installation that questions how and why we surveil and monitor ourselves.  The desire to control how others perceive us fills our brains with ourselves, becoming almost narcissistic. We begin to self-surveil, focusing critical attention on how we present ourselves to the outside world. 

To materialize this concept, in/sight mimics a low-fidelity basement surveillance room with multiple screens and cameras. However, rather than other people, the cameras are pointed back at the watcher, resembling a distorted vanity table. Several different angles confront the viewer, either intriguing them with their reflections, or making them uncomfortable.  

Installation originally displayed at SOMArts in San Francisco, California, May 2023.


Graphics Center ︎

This is a cumulation of works from designing for the University of San Francisco’s student-run design firm, the Graphics Center which encourages student involvement on campus.

Typical promotional orders include a 11”x17” poster, a digital TV ad, a social media graphic, and a small title for email announcements. The Graphics Center also produces illustrations for the university newspaper, the SF Foghorn. These graphics are created in less than a week to accompany the fast turn-around time of the newspaper for both their printed and web articles.

I worked as an in-house designer 2021-2022 and continued to serve as assistant manager 2022-2023.

Print + Digital

Organization Site

I Can Explain ︎

The University of San Francisco holds an exhibition for BA thesis projects from students in the Design and Fine Arts programs. Through the Graphics Center, I acted as the lead designer and art director for the exhibition’s branding, promotion, and documentation. The final deliverables include: a poster collection, postcards, social media graphics, and a catalog.

Each year, students propose and vote on a different title and branding; 2023’s was I Can Explain. After the first two years of their college experience being interrupted by COVID, the graduating class wanted to lean into the absurdism and endless possibilities of no longer being constrained by quarantine and regulations in their thesis exhibition. 

Print + Digital

Created with assistance from: Lelan Bell, Dominique Cadenas Calvo, Elias Dion, Sarah Healy, Emily Hernandez, Kristen Johnson, Mia Santino, Sydney Sharp, Elizabeth Vyvijal, and Professor Carrie Hott

Re:union ︎

Re:union is a digital garden where I focus on specific forms of digital communication and my personal interactions with each of them. From smoke signals to telegrams, humans have used their creativity to communicate over long distances, and advancing technology has expanded that innovation.

The vastness of the internet has, without a doubt, caused irreparable damage to my generation’s developing brains, but it also introduced countless opportunities for us to connect with our peers and the world around us. 

This website is 97% cleaner than other websites tested by Changing the world.



Corbie is a fictional brand inspired by the intricate manuscripts and architecture of the Middle Ages. Its central product is a pack of six double sided flat tipped calligraphic pens. Imagery is based on gothic architecture and traditional religious iconography. The packaging along with the overall feel of the brand will inspire users to create artwork for the present with a clear connection to old traditions.

Further Corbie branding was extended to billboards, a website wireframe, and buisness cards.

Brand + Packaging

Comp provided by Olberding Brand Family