Hello! ︎ My name is Morgan Lee. I am a creative with a focus on typography, illustration + branding — inspired by the paradox of past + future in the present.


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Hello! ︎ My name is Morgan Lee + I am a designer with a focus on illustration, typography + branding — inspired by the paradox of the past and future in the present.


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01 Re:union

TYPE: Website
Re:union is a digital garden where I focus on specific forms of digital communication and my interactions with each of them. From smoke signals to telegrams, humans have used their creativity to communicate over long distances, and advancing technology has expanded that innovation. Acting as my digital love letter to the internet and a personal documentation of trends online and in relationships. The pixelated and blocky design simplifies the digital apps into what they originated as, taking a step away from the shiny alluring look they have adopted today.

My peers and I grew up alongside the internet, specifically the rise of smartphones and social media. As an only child, I was constantly with friends, and once I had my own personal iPod touch, I wanted to keep in touch with them even while we weren’t physically together. My internet freedom was not without internet safety lectures from my father, but there were so many things he couldn’t warn me about.

The vast power of the internet certainly harmed my generation’s developing brains, but it also opened so many doors and opportunities for us to connect with our peers and the world around us. My personal goal is to update this digital garden every month.

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